WILLIAM BOURDON is a lawyer and member of the Paris bar, specialised in corporate, media and criminal law. A lawyer at the forefront in the field of Human Rights, he defends victims of globalisation and crimes against humanity. In particular, he was the lawyer representing Franco-Chilean families in the context of the complaint filed in October 1998 against General Pinochet or the civil parties in the context of proceedings brought against Serbian war criminals in France. He has been the lawyer representing victims of the regime of former Chadian president Hissène Habré since 2000. He is also defending two French former inmates of the Guantanamo prison and is the French lawyer for the whistleblowers Edward Snowden, Hervé Falciani (Swissleaks) and Antoine Deltour (Luxleaks).
In 2001, he founded the association Sherpa the purpose of which is to “defend victims of crimes committed by economic operators.” He was secretary general of the International Federation for Human Rights from 1995 to 2000.
William Bourdon is the author of several publications on questions of international justice and Human Rights and the “Petit manuel de désobéissance citoyenne” (Short manual on citizens’ disobedience) (2014).