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Georges-Henri BEAUTHIER

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GEORGES-HENRI BEAUTHIER has been a lawyer and member of the Brussels bar since 1972, specialised in family law, criminal law, law governing foreign nationals and humanitarian law. He has participated in numerous international trials, particularly in Belgium (Pinochet case, perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide), before the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights. Since 2000, he has been the Belgian lawyer representing victims of the regime of former Chadian president Hissène Habré.


He was chairman of the French-speaking section of the Belgian Human Rights League. In 2013 he was awarded the Lobby magazine’s prize for the best French-speaking criminal lawyer in Belgium. Georges-Henri Beauthier has always sought to make society more aware of law issues by establishing free legal-aid offices, writing books to provide more and better information for the deprived and disadvantaged and participating in principle-based defence actions to fight against unfairness, discrimination and contempt.



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